“Bloomies” Art Show – Gateway Bank – Ocala Florida
I met this gal at the start of the year as I joined the board of FAFO – Fine Arts For Ocala. She was the newly elected president and I got to know her over the next several months. What I didn’t learn until later in the year is that she is an artist?! What? I mean, I knew that she had an obvious passion for the arts acting as president of FAFO, but I had no idea. It was such a surprise when she asked me to photograph her ‘coming out’ show, “Bloomies.” How exciting is that? I’m sure it’s a bit nerve-wracking as well as you’re putting yourself out there for all to see. Would they like it? Am I good enough? Etc.. Well, fear not! It was a beautiful show held in the upstairs gallery at Gateway Bank in Ocala, FL. The friends and family that were there to support her was so beautiful! I think that she sold the majority of her work? It was crazy. I kept seeing the large canvases being pulled from the walls to get wrapped-up for her customers. Just awesome! Its a good thing that I went earlier in the afternoon for some lighting tests while the gallery was full! Thank you, Julie Shealy, for trusting me to capture this momentous occasion.