365 Day Project | Day 2 | Ocala Photographer

Well, I am off to a good start…back here with Day #2!

Day 2’s challenge was to experiment with “freelensing.” It’s when you remove the lens, hold it very close to the camera body and find your focal plane by shifting and tilting the lens. It poses a threat to your camera body by opening it up to dust, but I was very careful. Not a spec of dust…HA! They do make lenses that perform this specific function, but it’s pretty spendy for what I would use it for. A more affordable version is the Lens Baby. They produce some really neat effects and are great at relaying a particular feeling to your images. I could also recreate these effects in post processing, but I would much rather shoot with intention.

My image of the day is of my son, Alex. This was actually my last frame and I finally got what I was after. I’m not crazy about his left eye being the only eye in focus, but it works for me. You’ll notice the focal plane stretches inside the upper left corner and heads down right staying in the upper part of the photo.

Anyway, I think that freelensing will be fun for my clients. I will be sure to keep experimenting.

365 Day Project | Day 2 | 12.29.2012

What do you think? I really feel like I’m back in school. But I am a nerd and I secretly really like it!

jenny e photography

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